Last week's War: Parenting; who is the better parent?

Last week was about parenting and who is better at it. Nowadays, it is difficult to handle children because the parents of this generation don't have enough knowledge to do it with efficiency. Some parents don't even know what parenting is!  Parenting is the process of raising, promoting, educating, and supporting all the developments (like physical, social, emotional etc.)  of a child from birth to adulthood. Another thing parents should know about parenting is that which type of parenting style is the one you use for your kids?  If you know the style you use, it would be easier to know your strengths and weaknesses. In short, there are four (4) main different names to the styles. They are Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive and Uninvolved. You can research more on the parenting styles for more information.
